CMMS Data for a Power Station
Our client was the owner of a newly built, Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power station in the South of England which was about to go on-stream.
The plant had a CMMS – computerised maintenance management system – in place but no data had been populated onto the system. At the same time, while there was information about assets held at the power station, this comprised little more than a list with accompanying manufacturers’ specs and was far from being a formal, comprehensive asset register. Similarly, the inventory was a bald list of spare parts in stock and the planned preventive maintenance (PPM) regime only existed in the original equipment manufacturers’ (OEM) manuals.
What we did
The SMP team spent several weeks on site, going through the asset and spare parts lists with a fine-tooth comb and also reading and extracting the relevant PPM elements of the OEM manuals. This enabled the compilation of:
- A comprehensive asset register which covered some 16,000 items: the items in the register were structured and a hierarchy of importance was defined
- An effective PPM regime for the items in the asset register with the maintenance requirements of each asset being precisely defined and work scheduling requirements identified
- A definitive listing of the required spare parts records relating to the items in the asset register being defined: parts requirements for both cyclical maintenance and critical stock holdings were identified.
Ultimately, we were able to populate the existing software with the necessary data to run an effective PPM regime.
The outcome of the CMMS Data for a Power Station Case Study
Power stations need to run 24/7 and any maintenance downtime has to be planned and the time used effectively. Thanks to SMP, this power station is now using its CMMS software to run an effective PPM regime which fits with its operational parameters.
Have a look at our HolisTech CMMS implementation pages for more information