HolisTech™ CMMS Interface and API Software

Our HolisTech™ CMMS Interface and API Software will allow seamless integration between HolisTech™ and your other software systems.

Whether you need to integrate to financial control software, Human Resources Management (HRM) software, Building Management Systems (BMS), Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems, System Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) or to equipment meters and sensors (through the IIOT or otherwise) we have it covered!

With over 20 years’ experience in interfaces and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), we can offer an integration solution to exactly fit your requirements and can provide ‘End-to-End Maintenance Management’!

Contact us to find out more! End-to-End Maintenance
CMMS HolisTech Web Interface

HolisTech™ CMMS Interface and API Software Possibilities

The possibilities for integration between the HolisTech™ CMMS and other business software are pretty much endless!

  • You could link your HRM system to HolisTech™ to make sure you work assignation rotas were all up to date
  • You could link your Permit to Work system to make sure your contractors and team have all of the documents they need
  • You could link to Business Intelligence reporting systems
  • You could link to Quality Management Library Management Systems
  • You could link to ERPs for finance, purchasing, stock and work management
  • You could link to SCADA systems or BMS systems to drive your Meter Based planned maintenance
  • You could link directly to electronic outputs from machines through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) to drive both reactive and proactive maintenance and engineering work activity

In fact any information about Engineering and Maintenance that is held anywhere could be instantly shared between your HolisTech™ CMMS and other useful systems to provide ‘End-to-End Maintenance Management’!

Contact us to find out more! End-to-End Maintenance
CMMS Software Integration Examples

HolisTech™ CMMS Interface and API Software Total Integration

One great possibility HolisTech™ CMMS integration is linking directly to electronic outputs from machines through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) to achieve Total Integration.

Imagine a direct link from your critical machines, through the IIOT and the HolisTech™ API to the HolisTech™ CMMS itself.

That would mean the possibility of a machine stoppage being instantly notified to a member of your Technical/Engineering team via their HolisTech™ Smart app with all of the relevant information at their fingertips!

You could drive both reactive and proactive maintenance and engineering work activity completely electronically with instant communication!

The system would even be able to seamlessly record the work done to resolve the situation and for all electronic records to be instantly and easily retained for future reference.

How good an ‘End-to-End Engineering Maintenance Management’ tool would that be?

Contact us to find out more! End-to-End Maintenance
CMMS Software Information from the ‘Machine End’

HolisTech™ CMMS Interface and API Software Training

We can help ensure you maximise the benefit and utilisation of our computerised maintenance management system and its links with other systems!

Training of the appropriate staff in the use of HolisTech™ CMMS Interface and API Software will optimise effectiveness and minimise system administration and costs.

Choose between a classroom environment or we can simply and quickly organise remote training for our HolisTech™ Interface and API Software via our web conferencing software.

Contact us to find out more!

HolisTech™ CMMS Web Application and Smart App

The HolisTech™ CMMS Interface and API Software is specifically designed to link your systems to the HolisTech™ CMMS.

More on the HolisTech™ CMMS
CMMS Desktop, tablet, smartphone


Free trial of HolisTech™ Web and and its companion app HolisTech™ Smart, with full unrestricted access to our telephone helpdesk during your trial period.

Trial HolisTech™ now!

Download HolisTech™ Smart for iOS® or Android® devices below!